Slide Help your community and clients envision change and provide feedback using Augmented Reality.
Set your location

Create a multi-stop walking route or simply select one location.

Visualize your designs

Decide what 3D designs you would like to show.

Get the feedback you need

Ask your clients and customers for feedback while they look at the 3D model in its actual location.

PebbleXR PebbleXR

Make it Real

Help your clients, community, and stakeholders see your building, your art, your streetscape design, your vision in its real size and real location, with this easy-to-use app.

PebbleXR PebbleXR

Data Driven

Easily gather and download data about your designs. What do people like? What don't they like? How many people have given their feedback and who are they?


PebbleXR is a smartphone app that you can customize for your own creative projects. The app can be used by designers, urban planners, architects, developers, and others, to engage with clients, communities, and stakeholders.

An exciting new Augmented Reality application

Use beautiful 3D images to bring alive proposed changes to the environment.

Solve an age-old problem

Help communities envision and understand proposed changes to their neighborhood, in their actual location.

A fun & easy way to give and get feedback

Allow everyone to express their opinion, on their own schedule, while walking in their neighborhood.

Customize the experience

Everything is customizable, including the locations, 3D images, and questions.

Produce measurable results

View vote results in real time. Use actual data from multiple survey functions, to persuade policy makers.

Avoid meeting fatigue

People are often unable or unwilling to attend community workshops. Pebble is a fun and unique way to gather feedback.